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World Airen Group (Overseas only)

Public·95 members

음악 뿐만 아니라 문화까지! 그리스 올림픽 마을에서 점심을 먹다!11.30

이승기를 위한 이벤트..! 그를 위해 콘서트를 열다!

Event for Seunggi Lee..! hold a concert for him!

It is not only music it is culture! making lunch in Greek Olympic vilage!11.30 #lsgvoicearoundtheworld #airenconcertforlsg #이승기 #LeeSeungGi #leeseunggigreece#airen #leeseunggigreece #leeseunggiofficial #seunggi #koreanactor #koreansinger #entertainer #jipsabu #kdrama #brilliantlegacy #mygirfriendisagumiho #gufamilybook #king2hearts #youareallsurrounded #akoreanodyssey #vagabond #mouse #마우스 #mousekdrama #HumanMadeEntertainment #theproject #teamup072 #twogether #masterinthehouse #lsgkwa

Vera Collin
Pirjo Eckhell


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